

上传者:业精于勤 |  格式:doc  |  页数:2 |  大小:25KB

ut not least,she had a strong feeling of self-respect on her own.She had the ability to rationally judge whether Bryce is worth to love.РTwo families with two children in this film,we can also see people with different personalities.When you were young,you may have a lot of things confused.In such a stage a mentor or a guide is a very important thing.Bryce is lucky,he had a grandfather in life to tell him who he is and he should e a kind and honest person.Just as the dialogue says,”Some of us get dipped in flat,some in satin,some in gloss.But every once in a while,you find someone who’s iridescent.”Julie is also very lucky.She had a family to give her the right values.РAt the end of the film,with the beautiful song<let it be me>sang by The Everly Brothers,the two hands overlapped together.


