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came to be measured in bels or decibels. 5-4-2-1-3Р   Р  Task 3: Thank You for the MusicР  I‟m nothing , in fact I‟m a bit of a boreР  If I tell a , you‟re probably heard it beforeР  But I have a , a wonderful thingР  „Cause everyone listens when I start to singР  I‟m so grateful andР  All I want is to sing it outР   Р  So I sayР  Thank you for the music, the songs I‟m singingР  Thanks for all the they‟re bringingР  Who can live without it, I ask in allР  What would life beР  Without a song or a dance what are weР  So I say thank you for the musicР  For giving it to meР   Р  Mother says I was a before I could walkР  She says I began to sing long before I couldР  And I‟ve often , how did it all startР  Who found out that nothing can a heartР  Like a melody canР  Well, whoever it was, I‟m a


