进入第二只小猪家,然后马上关门)Р P2: Don’t be afraid!Р W:Little pig, little pig, let e in!Р P1&P2:No! No!Р W:Then I ’ll huff , blow your house down!Р (狼鼓足气吹一下,房子有点摇晃,又吹一下,两只小猪堵着门,挣扎之后,房子倒了)Р p1p2:Oh, my god! Let’s run away, run away!Р (跑到第三个小猪家的床底下哆嗦)Р P1:The wolf is very strong!Р P2:He wants to eat us!Р P3:My god, help me! ( 三只小猪都在床底下)Р W:Little pig, little pig, let e in!Р P1P2P3:No!Р W:Open the door! I can get the house down! (吹一下,没动,鼓足又吹一下,迟疑了一下Р)Р Why? (最后吹三下,开始喘气了,然后倒地)Р p1p3p2:Yeah! We are safe now!Р 旁白:The wolf is very angry! He has a good idea! He climbs up the chimney!Р P1&P2&P3:Oh! Look! The wolf!Р P1:How to do? (开始转着跑)Р P2:MOM !Where are you? (哭着说)Р P3:Don’t worry! Let’s put the wood into the fire!Р P1p2p3:Ok, 123…Р W :(掉进火里挣扎) oh ! No!Р P1p2p3:The wolf is dying! We eed! yeah ! 结尾曲