way to make someone say something 拷打;拷问;酷刑逼供Р1. The confession was made under torture. 屈打成招。Р2. The use of torture must disgust any civilized person. 施用酷刑必为文明社会的人所不齿。Р23. At the time my Uncle Frank was living with us while waiting to be drafted …РThe draft means conscription into the armed forces for military service. People who are drafted are made to?join the army, navy etc; they are conscripts or draftees not volunteers. Р那时候,弗兰克舅舅住在我们家,等着参军……Р Р24. incognito ad. using a false name, or changing your appearance so that you will not be recognized隐名埋姓地;使用化名地Р1. He didn't want to be recognized, so he travelled incognito.Р 他不想被人认出,所以出行时隐瞒了身份。Р2. The prince travelled incognito to avoid crowds and ceremonies. Р 王子微服旅行以避开人群及避免欢迎仪式。