
2012-09-04 难英语试题

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lease excuse me by taking your umbrella by mistake.The next day he was Рher forРcollected the umbrellas and got on the bus and saw the same woman.As he sat down, she said, Р“You have certain had a essful day!”РcertainlyРV: 书面表达(满分15分)Р Have a healthy lifestyleРAs we all know, health is very important. Only when we are healthy can we study well and enjoy life.РHowever, many teenagers don't pay any attention to their health, especially during the holiday. And they spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chatting on the all night, which is bad for their health. First, this may make them get near-sighted. Besides, their bodies e much weaker. Thirdly, they will lose the chance municate with others face to face as they never go out, which may have a bad effect on their mental health.


