days are longer, you can save up to 90 percent of your electricity bill by using solar power. In case you produce more electricity than you can use, you can sell it to the power corporation, or s 9 the power in solar cells and sell them locally. This can make considerable money for you.РAnother unusual point to consider is the shade provided by the solar panels (太阳能板)installed on your roof. This shade can bring down the temperature of your attic (阁楼) during hot summer days.РIn short, when you think about so many a 10 , solar energy is really a good choice.РQuestions:Р1. According to the passage, what can we benefit from the solar energy?Р2. How is the solar energy produced? 1. available 2. advantages 3. affected 4. friendly 5. Therefore 6. various 7. products 8. pollution 9. store 10. fuel