s[S], London (U.K.): BSI, 2003.Р[14]、别尔曼,循环水的蒸发冷却[M],北京:中国工业出版社, 1965:485Р[15]、赵顺安,S波淋水填料测试报告[R],北京:中国水利水电科学研究院,2011.РThe Coefficient of Bring-off-heat due to Evaporation of Water of Cooling Tower РZhao ShunanР(China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research, Beijing 100038)РAbstract:There is a coefficient of bring-off-heat due to evaporation of water of cooling tower whose position and calculation formula are different in design codes. The paper presents suitable mendations about the coefficient got by deduction, calculation parison of the coefficient and the influence on calculation of cooling tower while the coefficient is 1, which would be the reference of the review of the code. РKey Words:cooling tower、thermal calculation、coefficient of bring-off-heat of evaporation of water