logy, which brings up an increasing change in the socialist modernization construction for Sichuan.此译文笔呆滞,带有明显的汉语散点思维痕迹,行文用字严重汉化,语义重心不明。从原文语义来看,译文SV主干宜定在“科技取得成就”这一重心上,以此为焦点辐射全句,结构会合理一些。同时,语义表达也应更浓缩一些。试改译:Sichuan, a land richly endowed by nature and glorified by talents and great men, has made a great ess in developing its science and technology since 1949, which brings about a dynamic change in socialist modernization construction in the whole province.Р最后,有一点必须指出,尽管“化零为整”为汉语分句铺排句英译的常式,但并非一成不变,翻译时须视情而定。例如下面这一例就反其道而行之,非但不“化零为整”,反而变“整”为“零”,意在加强语气:Р计划工作的重点要转到中期和长期计划上来,适当简化年度计划,并相应改革计划方法,充分重视经济信息和预测,提高计划的科学性。The focus of planning will be shifted to medium and long-term planning, and annual plans will be appropriately simplified. There should be a corresponding reform of the methods of planning