Power and persuasion.РLearning MaterialsРBecause students seem to feel fortable when they have a textbook to guide them, we use the Verderber book, Interact. Additionally, case-problem handouts are provided for role and discussion. РLength of Course РThe course consists of twelve 2-hour sessions over a six-week period.РNumber of ParticipantsРBecause of the activity orientation of the program, a maximum of 12 students (participants) is desirable. РCostРAll teaching-learning materials will be provided by us and include textbooks, handouts, video camera and playback equipment. Based on 12-session, 12-partcipant program, the total cost is $1,800. РShould you like to discuss implementation of the program, I will be pleased to meet with you at your convenience.РSincerely, РR.M. McNittР2000年3月20日