

上传者:徐小白 |  格式:doc  |  页数:4 |  大小:116KB

! 4. There are lots of good things here. 这里有很多好东西。 5.I can drink some water, but I mustn ’t eat. 我可以喝点水,但是我不能吃东西。 6.I can ’t eat and be beautiful. 我不能又吃东西又保持漂亮。★情态动词 can , must 后跟动词原形 L esson 38 Key words and expressions : 1. cheese 奶酪 2. butter 黄油 3.Are there any peaches? Y es, there are, but there are n’tany grapes. 4.Can you see any meat in the window? No,I can’t see any meat in the window, but there ’s lots of fish. 5. Do n’tbuy any grapes. Why not? T here are n’tany in the bowl. Exercise : 一.按要求改写下列句子: 1. Buy some oranges. (改成否定句) 2. It’s five o’ clock .(就划线部分提问) 3. There isa lotof cheese in the fridge. (就划线部分提问) 二.选择填空: 1. A: Don ’tbuy any butter. B:? There isn ’t any in the jar. A. Why not B. What C. How 2. A: the problem? B: Oh, food is the problem. A. What ’s B. How ’s C. Where ’s


