

上传者:叶子黄了 |  格式:doc  |  页数:15 |  大小:154KB

he second crossing =Take the second crossing on the left 在第二个路口左转 3、 You will find it on your right 你会在你右手边发现它 4、 It is about one hundred meters from here 离这里约一百米远 5、 You should better take a bus 你最好最公车去 6、 It is next to…/in front of…/behind …/between … and … 7、 Go across the bridge 穿过桥 8、 It is about 15 minutes ’ walk 大约步行 15 分钟的路程 9、 It is at the end of the street 在街道的尽头 Unit 9 What does he look like? 1、 look like …看上去像…… What does he look like? 2、 short/long hair 短/ 长发 curly/straight hair 卷/ 直发 3、 She is of medium height/build. =She has a medium height/build. 她属于中等个头/ 身材。 a man of medium height/build. 一个中等身高/ 身材的男人 4、 have/has long straight hair 留着一头长而直的头发 have/has short curly brown hair 留着一头短而卷曲的褐色头发 5、 go to the cinema=go to the movies 去看电影 6、a little water 一点/ 少量的水 little water 几乎没有水


