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s a brother.He can set the table. ( )3.John ’s father can cook the meals. ( )4.John ’s clothes are dirty( 脏的),his brother can help. ( )5.John has a happy family. 八、周末到了,有好多家务活要做!请写至少五句话介绍一下你家家庭成员的劳动分工情况吧。(书写整洁规范 2分,内容正确有条理 8分,共 10分) A.Sure. B.I can cook the meals. C.You ’ re helpful. D. What about you? E. What can you do? ———————————————————————————————————————听力材料一、 1.ill 2. wash 3. help 4. table 5. make the bed 二、 1. .Can you clean the bedroom? 2. What can you do at school? 3.I can help my parents.. 4.I can sweep the floor and cook the meal. 5. Can you do your homework? 三、 1.Is your sister strict? 2.What can you do at home? 3.Do you like grapes/ 4.Ilike pork and mutton.What about you? 5.What day is it tomorrow? 四、 1.green beans 2. funny 3. water the flowers 4. wash the clothes 5.Saturday


