已装船提单) Received for Shipment B/L 备运提单 Transhipment B/L 转船提单 Through B/L 联运提单 Shipper ( Consignee ) Box 发(收)货人栏(格) Arrival Notice 到货通知书 M/F 舱单 Batch Filing 批量报备 Manifest Discrepancy 舱单数据不符 Acknowledgement of Manifest Receipt 收到舱单回执 Packing List 装箱单 Cargo Receipt 承运货物收据 D/R Dock Receipt 场站收据 D/O Delivery Order 交货单(小提单) Shipper ’s Export Declaration 货主出口申报单 Shipping Advice 装运通知(似舱单 用) Manifest information 舱单信息 FCN Freight Correction Notice 舱单更改单(通知) Surrender O B/L copies for consignment 交回提单副本 Release Note receipt signed by customer acknowledging delivery of goods 货物收讫单(十) Inspection-related Terms 检验相关术语 Customs Inspection modity Inspection 商品检验 Tally 理货 Tally Report 理货报告 Check 查验/ 检查/ 核对 Fumigation :熏蒸 Animal / Plant Inspection 动植物检验 INSP Inspection / Inspector 检验/ 检验员 Certificate of Origin