4.3Representing Images Bit map technique s -Pixel: short for “ picture element ”像素 3bytes=24bits -Bit map 位图(像素的集合就是位图) -RGB -Luminance and chrominance 光和色-Scaling problem Vector techniques 矢量技术-Scalable 缩放-TrueType and PostScript -CAD (computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计 1.4.4 Representing Sound Sampling techniques 振幅采样方法-Used for high quality recordings : 44.1KHZ -Records actual audio MIDI 乐器数字化接口-Used in music synthesizers 合成器-Records “ musical score ”乐谱 12 31 12 31 345 putation 1 minute music -Stereo 立体声-44.1 KHz/s -16 bit一个样本() -60 (一分钟) *2(双声道) *44.1 *1000 * 16/8 ( 2bytes ) 10 MB -MP3: 101 → 1(有压缩的能力) 1.5The Binary System 二进制系统 The traditional decimal system is based on powers of ten. The Binary system is based on powers of two. 1.5.1Binary Notation 二进制记数法二进制与十进制的转换二进制转十进制十进制转二进制 Example: