
高考英语词汇知识精选300例 附详解

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_ a speech at the meeting yesterday. A. stated B. issued C. addressed D. delivered 181. Some working people are usually too busy to cook after a day ’s work. They ______to eat out. A. want B. hope C. wish D. prefer 182. Mother told Jim to ________ the milk until it boiled and then turn off the gas. A. observe B. watch C. see D. examine 183. Faced with a problem, you have to ______ it first, and then try to find a solution. A. resemble B. substitute C. concentrate D. analyze 184. She ’s sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in her hand, __ her own thoughts and feelings. A. reflecting on B. thinking of C. letting out D. referring to 五、非谓语动词 185. Spokesman has ________ that there is no Chinese crew on the ship hijacked by Somali pirates. A. confirmed B. proved C. confused D. refused


