

上传者:读书之乐 |  格式:doc  |  页数:6 |  大小:0KB

orker ora student now? 46) where are you from? where is your hometown? 47)how much do you earn now? how much will you earn when #e back? 48) do you know which school is the best in your major? what else? 49) what does your major mean? 50) what will you study in this major? what courses? 51) if you say you will bea teacher in the future, what will you teach? 52) whats the difference between your major now and the major in usa? 53)when are you going to enter us? 54)what is your dream? 55)what is the thing you like best in america ,or the thing you like best in china? 56)then what is the thing you dont like most in china? 57)can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living? 58)why do you change your major ? 59)what is your favorite pet? why? 60)whats your best/worst quality


