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e police? Kate : Yes. I went to the police station to report it. Mark : What did they say? Kate : No one ’s found it. This woman said that Oxford has the fifth highest rate of bike theft in the country! Mark : You ’ re joking! Kate : That ’s what she said. Mark : What else did she say? Kate : She told me that sometimes you do get bikes back – the thieves use them and then abandon them, apparently, and then people find them and report them. Mark : So you might get it back. Kate :I hope so, Mark, I really do. It’s just too much you know? But … um … what else? She told me to go to this sale they have of abandoned bikes. She thinks I might find it there. But it’s only every two months, I can ’t wait till then! Honestly, Mark, I’m really furious ! Mark : You can always buy a cheap bike on eBay.


