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live C. live of D. live 295. I can ’t carry the box ________. It’s too heavy. A. of my own B. on my own C. own to D. with my own 296. How the poor boy wished he ________ to the music school! A. goes B. go C. could go D. will go 297. A policeman was walking along the river when he suddenly heard someone ________ for help. A. crying B. to cry C. cries D. crys 298. Zhang Yimou is the ________ of the movie Not One Less. A. actor B. editor C. director D. stunt 299. That movie actress starred ina number of movies. A. acted B. appeared C. played the main role D. made 300. I prefer ________ to the cinema to ________ TV at home. A. going, watching B. go, watching C. going, watch D. to go, watch 301. When I entered the music room, I saw Jack ________ the piano. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play


