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earned more about China, and China learned more about the world. A2 (学生用) 2009 年江苏省高中学生英语口语等级测试试卷(模拟试卷) 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(计 10 分) For hundreds of years, the people ofa Scottish town believed that a dinosaur-like monster lived ina nearby lake called Loch Ness. Many said they saw the creature, but no one could prove it was real. In 1934,a London doctor, Robert h Wilson, gave a newspaper a photo of the monster. He took the picture, the news travelled around the world. People came from everywhere to see this creature now called the ;Loch Ness Monster;. Then in 1993, a man named Christian Spurling surprised everyone. He said the photo of the Loch Ness Monster was a fake .He and some friends had created the famous picture themselves, then Wilson had given it to the newspaper asa practical joke.


