
超声波马达的应用 毕业论文外文翻译

上传者:梦&殇 |  格式:doc  |  页数:9 |  大小:0KB

otor and the conventional ultrasonic motor ? Miniature ultrasonic motor and the annular ultrasonic motor, the stator and rotor is integrated ina very small apparatus, compared with the annular ultrasonic motor have the following characteristics: absence of the restriction of the diameter of the lens, the micro-ultrasonic motor can not be considered the structure of an optical system mounted ina variety of lens . 5. 总结 in learning English, I learned a lot of anything related to this professional, more important is that I have passed the English four levels of tests, I believe that these things it isa great help to my later work. . In addition, in the course of study I still have a lot of harvest, in addition to professional knowledge, I also feel happy to help each other between classmates.


