谊win your friendship,e your friend. Р Рappear= ap + pear (spear长矛)用矛穿透了Рv. 出现Рapparent【助记】 ap+ parent (spear矛) Рa.明显的,明白的Р辨析: apparent, obvious, evident Рapparent (=obvious)一目了然的(无须推理或证明) Рevident 明显的(需要经过简单推理或证明) Рtransparent=trans (across) + parent(spear矛) Рa. 透明的Рattach=at + tach(接触) Рv.缚上, 系上Р【反】detach v.分离=de(away) + tach(接触) Рattach label to parcel Р给包裹贴标签РMary was attached to her mother. Р玛丽很依恋她的母亲。Рappoint【助记】ap + point 点,指向Р任命;指定Р小翻译: 总经理任命她为公司的首席执行官. РThe general manager appointed her the CEO of pany. РCEO = chief executive officer РCFO? Р= chief financial officer 首席财务官РCOO? Р= chief operating officer 首席运营官РCTO? Р= chief typing officer 首席打印官РCHO ? Р= chief huyou officer Рappointment任命;约会Р辨析:date, appointment Р Рamuse = a + muse vt.使发笑, 使愉快Рmuse [希神]文艺、美术、音乐等的缪斯女神Рmusic = mus + ic