

上传者:幸福人生 |  格式:doc  |  页数:3 |  大小:0KB

wide.РThere are a couple of reasons why I find the TV Tower such a fascinating building. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.Р4. a) To start, the tower contains a revolving restaurant.Рb) What I mean to say is that one can sit down for a meal while the view over the city is forever changing. It takes 45 minutes to complete one revolution.Р5. a) Secondly, the engineering skills and technologies that were applied to build it are mindboggling to me.Рb) What I mean is that this fills me with a great sense of pride about my nation and my country.РР 第2页 /总页数 3 页Р6. a) Lastly, to me the tower is a symbol of the strength of the Chinese people.Рb) For example, it has experienced many storms without being blown over.Р7. So, in short, those are my views on an interesting building.


