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do? I want to drink." He looks here and there, and then he knows what to do. He picks upa small stone (石头)with his beak and drops it into the jar. "Soon the water will be high and I can drink it," says the crow. Guess what? The water in the jar turns ( 变得) to be high enough to drink. The clever crow drinks the water finally. 1. What is the crow looking for? __________ A.A jar B. Some water C. Some food 2. Why can't he drink the water right now? Because A. the water is in the jar. B. he doesn't want to drink it. C. the water isn't high enough for him to drink. 3. Why does he pick up stones? Because A. He wants to put them into the water. B. He's playing a game. C. He is very hungry. 4. What's the English meaning for "drop"?________________ A. put ...into... B. put...to ... C. carry...to...


